Monthly Reports | 12/07/2024
Press release | 18/06/2024
Monthly Reports | 18/06/2024
Press release | 14/06/2024
Single Intraday coupling (SIDC) | 13/06/2024
Public information and file model | 13/06/2024
News | 05/06/2024
OMIP, and Speedwell Settlement, leading providers of data and settlement services relating to the climate risk-transfer market, have entered into an agreement to develop new renewable energy indices to address risks experienced by solar and wind energy producers in Spain and Portugal.
News | 28/05/2024
The competitive procedure has been opened, in the form of an electronic auction, for the centralized purchase of biomethane and hydrogen produced by electrolysis from water, using electricity generated from renewable energy sources.
Monthly Reports | 20/05/2024
Monthly Reports | 23/04/2024