News | 15/03/2022
On March 24th, 2022, will take place the auction of electricity acquired by the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR).
Monthly Reports | 15/03/2022
Monthly Reports | 14/02/2022
Press release | 01/02/2022
Press release | 31/01/2022
OMIP will launches the Natural Gas Futures with Financial Settlement, with underlying related to the Spanish Virtual Balancing Point (PVB-ES). The contracts, available through continuous trading and registration of bilateral operations, have maturities up to 2 years (Year+2). The clearing and settlement of these contracts will be carried out by OMIClear.
Integrated reporting | 31/12/2021
Annual report | 31/12/2021
Annual report | 31/12/2021
Annual report | 31/12/2021