Calification process
Individuals or legal entities that meet the requirements established in Order TED / 1161/2020, of December 4, which regulate the first auction mechanism for granting of the economic regime of renewable energies of the economic regime of renewable energies and in the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy by which the auction is called may participate in the auction, without prejudice to the rest of the conditions that may be enforceable in accordance with current regulations.
The request for participation in the auction mechanism will be addressed, by electronic means, to the auction manager and will be accompanied by the guarantees of participation in the same as established in the detailed specifications of the auction.
The process of participation in the auction will consist of the following phases:
- Prequalification process, through which the right to receive information related to the auction will be obtained, to participate in the training sessions that may be carried out and to subsequently request the qualification.
- Qualification process, in which the subjects that have been prequalified will be enabled to participate in the auctions for a certain power declared by the participant, which will determine their maximum qualification volume for the product.