In application of the provisions of Royal Decree 960/2020, of November 3, which regulates the economic regime of renewable energies for electricity production facilities, the granting of the economic regime of renewable energies will be carried out through auctions, guaranteeing its award in an open, transparent, competitive, profitable and non-discriminatory way.
The awarding process will be carried out using the sealed envelope auction method, in accordance with a pay as bid mechanism and as described in chapter II of the aforementioned Royal Decree.
In accordance with Order TED / 1161/2020, of December 4, which regulates the first auction mechanism for the granting of the economic regime of renewable energies and establishes the indicative calendar for the 2020-2025 period, the aforementioned auction will have the following main characteristics:
- The product to be auctioned will be the installed power capacity according to the definition established in article 3 of Royal Decree 413/2014, of June 6.
- They may participate in the auction for the granting of the economic energy regime of renewable energies natural or legal persons who meet the requirements established in this Order and in the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy by which the auction is called, without prejudice to the rest of the conditions that may be required in accordance with current regulations.
- The request for participation in the auction mechanism will be addressed, by electronic means, to the entity managing the auction and will be accompanied by the guarantees of participation in the same as established in the detailed specifications of the auction.
The auction process consists of the following phases:
a) Prequalification: Process through which the right to receive information related to the auction will be obtained, to participate in the training sessions that may be held and to subsequently request the qualification.
b) Qualification: Subjects who have been prequalified will be enabled to participate in the auction for a certain power declared by the participant, which will determine their maximum qualification volume for the product to be auctioned. The maximum qualification volume of each participant must not exceed the quantity to be auctioned for each product quota.
c) Auction: Duly qualified participants may participate to opt for the granting of the regime. It will be developed according to the following steps:
The auction process begins by enabling a period of time during which qualified participants can insert their offers.
Once the bid insertion period is over, the auction will be closed, where the auction manager will apply the allocation mechanisms stipulated in article 10 of the Order, which establishes the matching process, and in the specifications of auction detail.
Once the auction is concluded, the participants in it will have a period to insert claims in case they so require.
d) Once the matching process has been completed and in the absence of being validated by the auction supervising entity, the managing entity will send the provisional results to the agents and the supervising entity, as stipulated in the detailed specifications of the auction.
e) Once the auction supervisory entity declares that the auction has been carried out in an objective, transparent and non-discriminatory manner, the auction manager will send the final results of the auction to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines and It will make them public, as established in articles 8.11 and 9.2 of Royal Decree 960/2020, of November 3.
For more information, the complete detailed specifications of the auction can be consulted in the Resolution of December 10, 2020, of the Secretary of State for Energy, which calls the first auction for the granting of the economic regime of renewable energies under of the provisions of Order TED / 1161/2020, of December 4.